Survey Page
Services for Older People in Kintyre 2025
Purpose of the survey.
To develop the type of services needed by those over 60 in Kintyre we need to find out both what is needed and the aspirations of the older generations.
While retirement age has been put back and the idea that 60 is no longer ‘old’, by many, it is recognised that some do need different services over time starting at 60.
Shopper-Aide was set up to help those over 60 to ensure that those with a declining health in particular at that age did not miss out when they needed help. We have very few under 65 but some are on the cusp and getting help can reduce social isolation in particular before further problems develop.
This survey will also consider resilience capability and development of services – not just for different age groups but health conditions.
With a changing world and climate we must consider how we can cope in different situations especially in a rural area. Thus it will look at the following matters.
- Transport
- Communications
- Health access (medical, dental, podiatry, et al)
- Social interaction
- Help in the home, including access to shopping
- It will also look at the aspirations of people as they age.
Please note that the closing date for this survey is 15th March 2025.