Creating Dementia Friendly Kintyre
Shopper-Aide Ltd has recently been awarded funding to begin developing Dementia Friendly Communities in Kintyre.

Sarah McFadzean, will be organising some information events to let people know what she is planning in their area and to gather the thoughts of the local communities on how they can be a Dementia Friendly Community.
Sarah will also be visiting local businesses and organisations to help them become Dementia Friendly as dementia touches so many people in Kintyre. Furthermore Shopper-Aide Ltd will be promoting the Dementia Friends Programme which Alzheimer Scotland run and any group, business or individual who is interested in participating in becoming Dementia Aware are to please contact Sarah using the contact us page or on 01586 551600.
Shopper-Aide Ltd. will be launching our new Logo and window sticker to indicate that there are individuals in the premises who have undergone the ‘Dementia Friends’ awareness programme and these individuals can be recognised by the forget-me-not badge they wear.
The dates of the coming planned meetings are:
- Tuesday 20th August Tarbert Templers Hall 2pm – 4pm
- Monday 26th August Clachan Village Hall 11am – 1pm
- Tuesday 3rd September Tayinloan Village Hall 10am – 12 noon
- Friday 6th September Carradale Village Hall 12 noon – 2pm
Sarah is keen to talk to as many people as possible about real lived experiences locally, if you cannot attend the events please do contact her as she would be very grateful to anyone who is willing to share their knowledge of living in Kintyre with Dementia.
Everyone is welcome to come along to find out what else can be planned for your area.